Thursday, March 29, 2012

BE#9: Designer Babies (Feb 7)


     Infertility is one of the most common causes on why some women can’t have a baby. IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is a process by which egg cells are fertilized by sperm cells outside the body.

     IVF is a treatment done to help couples who cannot produce babies. Along with the IVF treatment, there also have been cases wherein they do gene selection present in the embryo. They say that they select the healthy embryo so that healthy babies will be produced but is this really the right thing to do? I am a Catholic and my faith in God is strong especially when it comes to these things. I believe that everything happens for a reason and that God has his reasons.

     They say that “modifying” the embryo will help save lives and that it will produce healthier babies. Is that really the case?

     According to what I have researched, it can cause metabolic problems for the mother. Increasing the chances of stillbirths is also an effect of this. It also increases the cancer cells of the baby that may be active through time. Aside from this treatment being very expensive, the results are not guaranteed. There is a higher risk of miscarriage, increased risk of very low birth rate and an even higher risk of pre-eclampsia. Head of reproductive medicine in London, Dr. Geeta Nargund, even warned about the consequences for a woman’s reproductive organs later in life.

     For me, risking the lives of not only the embryo’s which is considered as a human being already but most importantly the mother is just not right. When it doesn’t turn out to be a success, it’s like hitting two birds with one stone for the diseases.

     Life is a gift from God and I don’t see any reason to question that. In the first place, being given a gift as precious as life is really a thing everyone should be thankful for.
Being picky on what embryo to implant on a woman is also considered as an abortion. Since it is considered living already, not using or implanting it means that it is not being given the same chance as the “healthy” ones to be planted and to live continuously. What do they do to the embryo’s that will not be planted? Nothing. I call it abortion.

     To wrap this all up, all I can say is that I don’t approve of this gene selection. For me, it is like playing God and that it is a way of designing babies. What is worse is that it is also a form of abortion that is clearly not acceptable for me and for my religion. It shows how ungrateful humans can be. It risks not only one life, but two. Studies with regards to this should not be continued and so as the treatment. Adoption is a much more suitable option for couples who could not have babies through a normal process.

That's all for now!

Merci beaucoup, Au revoir,

Carl               `

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