Thursday, March 29, 2012

BE#24: Hunger Games (Mar 22)


     Today, I had a blast!

     During Thursdays, I usually head straight home after my classes. This day was an exception. Today is the first day of the screening of Hunger Games! I have waited for like forever for this! Hahaha  So this is how my day went.

     My mom fetched me at around 5 p.m. in Mc Donalds, Taft. We went straight to Glorietta afterwards in Makati. As soon as we got there, my sister and I bought tickets because we knew that it will be hard to find nice seats at a later time. When we checked the seats, all the time slots were if not full, almost full at least! Because of this, we got the 10 p.m. movie slot! I know it’s a bit late since I have classes every Friday but I just can’t miss this one!

     My mom, my sister and I ate and shopped while we waited for the movie to start. At around 9:40, we decided to buy our snacks and drinks and then we went inside the movie house. The movie house was full packed!! Students, parents and even employees aged around 30 were there! I felt everyone’s excitement.

     Beyond the beautiful faces of the actors and actresses and beyond the wonderful story of the movie, I felt that there was something more to it. I think the main message of the movie was just right there but not everyone saw it. I am not sure if that was the real message of the movie but for me, it was the masked situation of the people. They were controlled like crazy by the government! I don’t even think freewill existed there. They were like puppets that have no control of themselves. It saddens me because I somehow see their situation here in the Philippines.

     Anyway, as soon as the movie was done, we went straight home. We got home at around 1 a.m. And now, it’s almost 2 a.m. so I have to sleep cause I still have to wake up early tomorrow.

That’s it for now! Goodnight! 
Merci beaucoup, Au revoir,


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