Thursday, March 29, 2012

BE#16: Honesty in Business (Feb 29)


I know, i know. I'm such a weirdo when it comes to blogging. Hahaha :)) This one is another random post!

     Honesty in the business world. As cliché as it may sound, trust is like a glass that when it breaks, no matter how hard you try and how much effort you put into it, it will never regain its original form ever again. This is applicable in the world of business. Once in a blue moon is the maximum probability in which you will ever hear of two companies or business partners who have had a problem before when it comes to honesty and trust reunite and become partners again. Like what they say, “Business is business”. Some people may be friends outside of their workspace but it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are going to allow special treatment when it comes to their business. For me, honesty is the most important element that should be considered especially when it comes to this field.

That's all for now!

Merci beaucoup, Au revoir,

Carl               `

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