Tuesday, March 6, 2012

BE#5: Haylahn Eating Ice Cream (Jan 26)


     The title says it all. :)

     Haylahn Romeo Maximo N. Gabriel is his complete name. He is my 1-year-old nephew. Aside from fruits, he LOVES ice cream so much that he eats it everyday. Yes, EVERY SINGLE DAY. My dad is the one who should be blamed for this. He spoiled him so much that whenever Haylahn sees an ice cream, he HAS to finish all of it. Because if he doesn't, he will cry to the point where you'll find no solution to stop him from crying and then you'll end up giving him more.

1st ice cream for the night.

He's starting to eat another one.

Then BOOM. The ice cream was gone just like that. :P

That's it for now!

Merci beaucoup, Au revoir,

Carl               `
The complete set of pictures can be found here:

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