Thursday, March 29, 2012

BE#10: Fat or Fit (Feb 8)


     Living an active life is the key to a healthy you.  But like the majority of the world’s population, they go for the inactive life.

     A health crisis is transpiring right before our eyes but we know little about it. We take it as “normal”. People say that when you’re chubby/fat/obese, it is because you’re healthy. They are wrong. The cases of obesity today have taken 66% of adult’s lives in great danger. It may increase their chances of having diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, breathing difficulty, cancer, and many more. Yes, they’re not aware of this.

     Obesity is a term used to describe body weight that is significantly greater than what is healthy. It can be caused by indulging on too much food than your body can use, drinking too much alcohol or plainly by just not getting enough exercise. Doctors and other health conscious people have been alarmed by the increasing number of obese people today.

     There are actually a lot of ways to counter obesity. Most people think that dieting is enough but not in any way can they surpass the countless benefits of exercising and the cutting down of unhealthy food. As a part of the society, I believe that it is just right that we help the others overcome these kinds of problems by educating them with the health risks of not having an active life.

     As for me, I will start living a very much active life. I am not obese but I want to live healthily so that I can enjoy life more and inspire others to live like me too. Always remember that being fat is NOT healthy. FIT is.

That's all for now!

Merci beaucoup, Au revoir,

Carl               `

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