Thursday, March 29, 2012

BE#20: Waste Glass = Cleaner Water (Mar 12)


A brief summary of what I’ve been reading lately…

Ground Glass Solution for Cleaner Water

Waste glass has been around us ever since we were born and only a part of these can be recycled and be put into good use. Nichola Coleman from the University of Greenwich in London has managed to develop a simple method of converting waste container glass into the mineral tobermorite. Tobermorite is the main material that can be extracted from glass. It can be used as a filter and absorb toxic lead, cadmium and other toxic metals in water. With the help of this new discovery, a great fraction of waste glass can and will be put to good use and this can also help us take care of mother nature better.


That's all for now!

Merci beaucoup, Au revoir,


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